About Heather Booth

Heather Booth is one of the leading strategists about progressive issue and electoral campaigns. She has been an organizer starting in the civil rights, anti-Vietnam War and women’s movements of the 1960s and continuing through today. She created JANE, an underground abortion service started before Roe.

She was the founding Director and is now President of the Midwest Academy, training social change leaders and organizers. She has been involved in political campaigns and was the Training Director of the Democratic National Committee. In 2000, she was the Director of the NAACP National Voter Fund, which helped to increase African American election turnout. She was the lead consultant, directing the founding of the Campaign for Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2005. In 2008, Heather was the Director of the Health Care Campaign for the AFL-CIO. In 2009, she directed the campaign passing President Obama’s first budget. In 2010, she was the founding director of Americans for Financial Reform, fighting to regulate the financial industry. She was the National Coordinator for the coalition around marriage equality and the 2013 Supreme Court decision. She was strategic advisor to the Alliance for Citizenship (the largest coalition of the immigration reform campaign). She was Field Director for Americans for Tax Fairness to stop the tax cuts for millionaires that could lead to cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, and education. She was the Director for Progressive and Senior Outreach for the Biden for President campaign. She is a member of the consulting group Democracy Partners.

Heather will be giving recent updates on her life and the progressive world here!

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Heather and her team put together a monthly organizing newsletter on the latest updates and actions in the movement. Missed a newsletter or want to sign up? It’s all here!


Heather is frequently participating in podcasts, interviews, news requests, documentaries, and even Hollywood films. You can find it all in one place here! If you are interested in contacting Heather about speaking engagements, Connect Here.